Blockchain Basics | Installation | go-ethereum | go Language | Linux

Mr. Viraj Shelar
3 min readJul 12, 2020


After the Successful Completion of Blockchain Specialisation, it is time to distribute my knowledge with people.

Blockchain Technology

While reading this blog & following the steps will lead you guys to the Blockchain Technology Platform.

Basic Key Points:

The blockchain technology supports methods for:

- a decentralized peer-to-peer network
- a collective trust model among unknown peers
- a distributed immutable ledger of records of transactions.

Decentralization means the network operates on a user-to-user (or peer-to-peer) basis.

A Distributed Immutable Ledger means the data doesn’t sit on one all-powerful server and the data stored in it cannot be deleted or edited
Transactions bring about the transfer of value in Bitcoin Blockchain. The concept UTXO defines the inputs and outputs of such a transaction.

Once a block is verified and algorithmically agreed by the miners, it is added to the chain of blocks,
viz., the blockchain.


Steps For Blockchain Installation

Step -1 Clone Git repository

viraj@thinksprout:~$ git clone

Step -2 Get into go-ethereum Folder and View the Files

viraj@thinksprout:~$ cd go-ethereum/

Step -3 Check for Latest version of go-ethereum

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ git tag






Step -4 Today's latest version is v1.9.9. Since v1.9.9 is the latest version of GO-ETHEREUM, we will go with it. So we will create a branch for our GO-ETHEREUM.

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ git checkout tags/v1.9.9 -b MyBank

Switched to a new branch ‘MyBank’

check your branch:

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ git branch

* MyBank



Step -5 Before moving to blockchain execution we need to install Go Language.

Download the go language from :

After Downloading the file go to particular directory

Extract the File using Administrator

viraj@thinksprout:~/Downloads$ sudo tar -xvf Filename.tar.gz

Move the ‘go’ to usr/local/

viraj@thinksprout:~/Downloads$ sudo mv go /usr/local

Add Environment Variable using to LINUX system

viraj@thinksprout:~$ sudo gedit .bashrc

Now add the following line at end of .bashrc file

export GOROOT=/usr/local/goexport GOPATH=$HOME/projects/myproexport PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

Save the file and close it.

Now use the command to Restart the .bashrc file.

viraj@thinksprout:~$ source .bashrc

Check for go language has successfully install.

viraj@thinksprout:~$ go version

go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64

Step -6 Execute make all

It will tell GIT to build the target file as per the input.

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ make all

It will take some time.

Step -7 Create a Genesis Block

It is referred to as 1st Block or 0th Block for a blockchain. It Basically contains details with respect to blockchain

In go-ethereum Folder create new folder ‘genesis’

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ mkdir genesis

Create the .json file which has all details of genesis block

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum$ cd genesisviraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum/genesis$ gedit genesis3.json

Add the following code in genesis3.josn

{“nonce”: “0x0000000000000042”,“mixhash”: “0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”,“difficulty”: “0x400”,“alloc”: {},“coinbase”: “0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000”,“timestamp”: “0x0”,“parentHash”: “0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”,“extraData”: “0x”,“gasLimit”: “0xffffffff”,“config”: {“chainId”: 10,“homesteadBlock”: 0,“eip155Block”: 0,“eip158Block”: 0,“eip150Block”: 0,“eip150Hash”: “0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”}}

Step -8 Now, for starting the Blockchain, we need to execute the following command

viraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum/genesis$ /home/viraj/go-ethereum//build/bin/geth — datadir ~/ethereum/net3 init /home/viraj/go-ethereum/genesis/genesis3.jsonviraj@thinksprout:~/go-ethereum/genesis$ /home/viraj/go-ethereum//build/bin/geth — datadir ~/ethereum/net3 — networkid 3 console

Commands to Execute on Blockchain

  1. Creates a new account with specific wallet attach to it

2. shows the total accounts available on the blockchain


3. shows the number of block you are at. It changes when mining operation in done successfully


4. Starts the mining operations


5. Stops mining operations


6. Get Balance of particular account

eth.getBalance(account no. Hash value)

Now, we have successfully Implemented the Blockchain setup & basic operations of Creating account & Wallet, Mining operations, Checking Balance, Checking Block number, etc.


  2. Images:
  3. Idea credits:

For any quires reach me at:

Thinksprout Infotech

Nanded City, Pune






Mr. Viraj Shelar
Mr. Viraj Shelar

Written by Mr. Viraj Shelar

Blockchain Professional with a passion for ERC Standards, Hyperledger Frameworks and Tools | 3+ years of hands-on experience in Solidity, Web3, and Hyperledger

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